Find stability in life’s twists and turns with Wayahead by your side

Find stability in life’s twists & turns with Wayahead by your side

We support people across New South Wales and beyond by providing education, services, and resources that help improve mental health and wellbeing.

We support people across New South Wales and beyond by providing education, services, and resources that help improve mental health and wellbeing.

Hi, what can we help you with today?

Hi, what can we help you with today?



Anxiety Support

Anxiety Support Groups

These groups comprise a small number of people who come together to share personal experiences and information in a safe, friendly and supportive environment



Forums are an opportunity for people to come together in their community, learn more about anxiety and connect with their local mental health services.

Small Steps

Small Steps

Small Steps is an important program aimed at raising awareness and improving the recognition and understanding of anxiety disorders in primary school aged children.


Wayahead Sharespace

Wayahead Sharespace is a network of individuals and organisations that are interested in employee health and wellbeing.

Mental Health

Mental Health Month

Wayahead leads annually the NSW Mental Health Month, which coordinates and provides mental health resources and activities during October.

Information Services

Directory and Phone Lines

Our online mental health directory and phone lines connect individuals with support services, covering a wide range of mental health concerns.


Living Library

Discover real-life mental health stories being used for reflective discussion and learning


Get the Facts

Getting accurate mental health information can be challenging. We’ve gathered resources to help identify needs, explore treatment options, support wellbeing, and navigate the mental health system

Mental Health Month is celebrated each year in the month of October in NSW. This month encourages all of us to think about our mental health and wellbeing, regardless of whether we may have a lived experience of mental illness or not.

Wayahead Support

News section

  • March 10, 2025

    Blow Bubbles for Bipolar

  • March 4, 2025

    Urgent Survey: Psychiatrist Crisis Impacting Mental Health Carers

  • February 28, 2025

    Wayahead supports Babana

  • February 28, 2025

    Meet new Wayahead Chair – Ryan McGlaughlin

  • February 28, 2025

    A World-Class Mental Health System

  • NSW parliament
    June 6, 2024

    The findings and recommendations from the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry
